What Are the Quickest Ways to Train Toddlers to Toilet?


Training a toddler requires pushing through challenges, especially when it is toilet training. Every child needs it to reach a significant milestone in life. For sure, it requires you, as a parent, to grind a lot. Certain effective strategies are there that can help you give your best shot to engage them and also make them feel less intimidating. This post will help you learn some of the quickest ways to Train Toddlers to Toilet.

Fastest Ways to Train Toddlers to Toilet

Well, the ways are countless. But there are only a few of them that are quickest. Let’s introduce you to those ways for potty training your kids.

Understanding The Right Timing

The very first way is to make your kid an early learner. Get started to prepare when he or she shows some signs of readiness. As parents, you can spot it when your child stays dry for longer periods. At the same time, he or she does not feel comfortable with dirty diapers. These are some instinctive signs that show his or her readiness for toilet training. Research reveals that those who start at the right age (i.e., between 18 and 24 months) are 25% more likely to learn how to properly use a toilet without any setbacks as compared to those who start late.

Establishing a Routine

According to the American Academy of Paediatrics, toddlers following a consistent toilet schedule are 30% more likely to complete their training within six months.

This means that a consistent schedule is a must. It helps him or her to remember when and where to rush to the bathroom. Accordingly, you can encourage your child to go to the bathroom at regular intervals, such as after meals, before bed, after waking up, or when needed. Be consistent while training him or her.

Positive Reinforcement

Praise and rewards can motivate anyone, including children. Research published in Developmental Psychology spotlights that toddlers receiving words like “good job,” “nice,” and other positive words during toilet training are 40% more likely to be motivated. And they complete this training process.

So, the moral of the story is that praiseworthy words can boost their confidence. So, always appreciate their efforts and successes, no matter how small or big they are. You may reward them with a sticker, allow extra playtime, or give a dessert or chocolate as an incentive. This positive approach will help your toddler push boundaries and learn good habits quickly.

Introducing Toilet Training Toys

Well, this way is revolutionary. You may invest in animatronic toys for toilet training. Feed them some guidelines, like a rhyme, and applause to engage them. These toys are mostly sense-orientated, which means that if you just pat their heads or touch them, they will start playing. On seeing the toy talking, the toddler gets engaged and follows what it guides in a fun and interactive way.

Parenting Magazine conducted a survey revealing that 60% of parents using toilet toys for toddlers reported a more hassle-free and faster training process. Not only this, but it also increases their interest and enables them to understand.

Interactive Books

Have you seen colorful cutouts and illustrative books? You may find some narrative training books conveniently available. Bring them for your toddlers so that they can understand the concept and create a positive experience with toilet use.

Some visual arts and crafts, like charts, can also help you track the level of his or her progress. As he or she passes a level, paste reward stickers. It can make them feel like achievers. These progress chats can be made more interesting by adding rewards and fun to them.

According to the Journal of Paediatric Urology, toddlers learning with interactive toilet training toys and charts can complete their potty training 20% faster than those who don’t do so.

Modelling and Practice

Toddlers are great imitators. They can mimic masters. You ought to leverage this trait and use the toilet to guide them through the accurate process. Accompany your child to see how practically he or she can use it while guiding them through the steps involved. Imitation helps them feel happier, more comfortable, and more confident.

Increase the frequency of those imitation sessions so that the child can become accustomed to using them accurately. Now that he or she is familiar with how to use it, encourage him or her to sit properly and regularly on the toilet. This will make him or her more familiar with those healthy habits.

Ensuring Comfort and Convenience

Investing in an adjustable potty seat can make this process more fun. Bring a comfortable potty seat so that it can fit securely in regular toilets. If it has some supportive features, like stairs, your child will feel more secure and willing to climb up and sit like older people.

Moreover, dress your kid in clothes that are convenient to put on independently. You may use outfits that have elastic waistbands or simple fastenings to reduce their hassles in using the toilet promptly.

Research from Child Development reports that toddlers complete their toilet training 25% faster if they use comfortable seats and easily removable clothing.

Addressing Accidents Calmly

According to the Journal of Paediatric Nursing, children who are positively pushed after accidents to continue training show 30% fewer setbacks than those who receive negative reactions.

Some children shout out loud when they see any scratch or wound, especially the oozing blood. They throw tantrums. At that time, you should stay calm and hold your patience. Do not punish them or say anything unpleasant. Rather, try to understand their reactions or the anxiety preventing their progress. Help them try again.

Gradual Transition

A transition is necessary. You should watch out for its speed. Remember that slow and steady wins the race. So, start slowly by making it habitual to wear underwear. Put it on certain times of the day and gradually increase that duration. This will help toddlers adapt to the new routine without hassle.


Toilet training is a fundamental development for toddlers. It requires clever thinking and a smart approach. Parents should understand when it is right to start the training. It can help in establishing a consistent routine with positive feedback, animatronic toys, and engaging activities.


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